Motorhome and Camper Vans - Tips & Tricks

Regardless of whether you want to prepare your vehicle for the spring or it’s time for it to hibernate – our checklists and articles are certain to provide you with exactly the information you need.

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Ansicht eines Malibu Van vor einem See in Norwegen

Here are a few tips to help you be optimally equipped for longer trips with your Malibu.

Ansicht eines Malibu Reisemobils im Winter mit Bäumen im HIntergrund
In our report, we would like to explain how the frost guard works and why it is so important in winter.
Campingszene eines Malibu Van an einem See in Norwegen
In this article, we give you tips and tricks for handling the gas cylinder in your motorhome and show you how to be optimally prepared when on holiday in other European countries.
Ansicht des Nachtischs im Malibu Van vom Weihnachtsmenü
Even in your Malibu, you don't have to miss out on the culinary delights of a Christmas menu. Simply cook this in your motorhome or camper van.
When the days get noticeably shorter, the wind fresher and the temperatures cooler, it's time to get your Malibu ready for winter. There are several things to bear in mind before you can start your winter camping adventure! The following checklist is designed to help you get your Malibu ready for winter. (DeepL)
With the warm temperatures in midsummer, it can get very hot in your vehicle, even in Germany. We have the best tricks to keep the heat outside.
Ansicht der Innenreinigung eines Wohnmobils
Caring for your motorhome or camper van naturally involves not only cleaning the exterior of the vehicle, but also the interior.
Malibu Kühlergrill von vorne unten, während jemand putzt.
To ensure that you can enjoy your vehicle for a particularly long time, it is important to maintain it properly. Here you will find tips and tricks for optimum cleaning.
Malibu Van vor dem Brandenburger Tor in Berlin
As each country handles its own toll and sticker regulations, we have summarised the regulations for various holiday destinations for you.
Teller mit Fleisch und Kartoffeln und dahinter ein Osterhase und ein Weinglas.
You don't have to miss out on the culinary delights of an Easter menu in your Malibu. Simply cook it in your motorhome or van.