Changes to the toll in Austria.
Austria is and remains a popular destination for many travellers. If you want to use the Austrian motorway, you have to pay tolls, with a few exceptions. When visiting the country or simply passing through to continue on to Italy, for example, the only option until now was to buy a 10-day toll sticker, even if you were only in the country for a few hours in some cases. The Austrian federal government has now made an adjustment and introduced a long-awaited variant: The 1-day vignette. At the same time, the weight limit for motorhomes has also changed. Previously, the maximum permissible gross vehicle weight (GVW) determined whether a vignette (up to 3.5 tonnes) or a GO-Box (from 3.5 tonnes) was required. Now the technically permissible gross weight (tzGm) of the vehicle applies.

Austrian motorways are subject to tolls for motor vehicles, with a few exceptions. Vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes require a vignette and vehicles over 3.5 tonnes are charged the toll based on their mileage using a GO-Box. This weight limit has changed since 1 December 2023. The decisive factor is no longer the maximum permissible gross weight (MPW), but the technically permissible maximum laden mass of the vehicle (tzGm). Vehicles with a technically permissible maximum laden mass of over 3.5 tonnes require a GO-Box. Vehicles under 3.5 t tzGm must buy a vignette and pay a route toll. The result will therefore be that more vehicles will be required to have a GO-Box, as the technically permissible maximum laden mass is often over 3.5 tonnes. It should be noted that a 5-year transition period until the end of January 2029 applies to vehicles that were first registered before December 2023. Specifically: motorhomes with more than 3.5 t GVW but less than 3.5 t GVW with first registration before December 2023 do not need a GO-Box for the time being.
The vignette system and its prices have been adjusted due to the EU Road Pricing Directive. Accordingly, there is now a 1-day vignette. This is only available digitally (via the ASFINAG toll shop or the ASFINAG app). The cost here is €8.60. The 1-day and 10-day vignettes are valid immediately when purchased online. Previously, there was a period of 18 days due to consumer protection. This deadline still applies to 2-month or annual vignettes.
Current toll prices:
Annual vignette: €96.40
2-month vignette € 28.90
10-day vignette € 11.50
1-day vignette € 8.60
Sources: and